Orders Overview
You can access the orders module by clicking on the Sales tab on the panel on the left side of the dashboard, a drop down menu will appear and you will see 4 options namely, sales, orders, payment and account receivables options. The orders module contains all information concerning orders that have been made by the field staff.
The orders module contains all insights and order records carried out by the field staff. The top section of the orders module contains insights such as Total Orders, Pending Orders, Total Sales Value, Active Sales Rep and Active Products.
The Total Orders shows the counts of orders made by a field staff. The Pending Orders shows the count of orders that payment has not yet been made for. Active Sales Rep shows the number of field reps that have worked for that time period. You can click on any of the arrow on the insight boxes to get more information on that particular insight. Active Products shows the count of products that are being sold.Below to the left we have Order Distribution By Product. This shows the count of each product that is being ordered in a bar chart format. To the right of this, we have Order Accuracy And Values which shows Orders Overview and Orders Figures which can be toggled on and off to show the information on that particular insight.The Orders Overview shows information on the Total Orders, Pending Orders and Total Sales it also provides a pie chart of this information. The Orders Figures is a table showing the Product Name, Quantity and Value.Orders Trend
Below, we have Orders Trend which shows the count of orders made for particular time periods in a bar chart format. This information can be filtered by using the toggle on the top right of the bar chart. It can be filtered between 1 month, 6 months, Year To Date or 1 year.
Recent Orders
Below Orders Trend, we have Recent Orders which can be filtered either by customer or by date using the toggle on the right hand corner. It is a table that shows information such as Outlet Name, Location, Field Rep and Total Value, with the most recent orders at the top of the table.You can also search by clicking on the search bar at the top right corner of the table.