Product Checkout
After creating the batches, the next step is to check out the products to the field staff as requests are made for stock. You can check out product for individual reps or multiple reps by using the bulk checkout option.For individual checkout, you can click on the New Checkout button. This will open up a form for you to fill in the Field staff, the distributor, and checkout note. It is after the distributor is selected that you can see the list of products below.For each product, you can select the batch code from the dropdown available and that will show you the cases and units left in that batch from which you can checkout stock to the reps. After inputting the number of cases and units to be given to the reps for each product, you can click on the Create button to create the batch.After the batch has been created, you can then view, update if needed, delete the batch of needed or go ahead to approve the batch. To approve the batch, you can click on the tick icon under the action column and then approve. The status of the checkout will change from unapproved to awaiting field staff. This means that the products checked out are available for the reps to accept into their inventory on the app.