FieldMaxPro Help Center


The outlets page allows you set up your outlet categories such as Outlet Channels, Outlet Types, Contact Titles, Contact Categories and Contact specialties. Each of these pages contain specific information that is useful to them, and each page contains an add button at the top right corner as well as a search bar.

Below is the breakdown of the pages:

Outlet Channels:These can be registered based on your company’s customer type structure. If you’re a Pharmaceutical company, you might have outlet channels such as hospitals, clinics, labs, pharmacies etc.
Contact title: Outlet Type: You can register the outlet types that make up the channels. If you are a pharmaceutical company, you might have outlet types such as State hospital, Private Hospitals etc.
Contact title:There are possible titles key contacts in your customer locations might have. For example Mr., Mrs. , Pharm , Dr. , Prof, etc
Contact Category: This is where you register the different departments your customers might have. Departments like Procurement, Accounts etc for typical FMCS and Surgery, Pediatry, Radiology for pharmacuetical companies.
Contact Specialty:This is where you register the job role of possible contacts. For instance surgeon, pediatrician, accountant, warehouse manager etc