FieldMaxPro Help Center

Product Batches

This section is where you can upload new batches brought into the warehouse. You can either upload a batch individually or use the bulk upload feature.
To upload an individual batch, please click on the New Batch button. This will open up a form where you can fill in the Distributor the batch is linked to, the batch description, the batch code, and manufacturing date. You have the option to toggle between inputting the expiry date or inputting the shelf life in months which the system can use to calculate the expiry date.
Below that you have the option to search for the product you want to include into the batch and then input the number of cases(cartons) or units available. After you have filled this for every product in the batch, you can click on the Create button at the bottom of the form.
After creating the batch, you need to approve it before it can be added to the digital warehouse.
Before approving the batch, you have the option to view the batch, edit it if you notice corrections that need to be made before you approve the batch, or even delete the batch. To approve the batch, you can click on the tick icon under the action’s column. You will get a prompt asking if you are sure you want to approve the batch. You can then click YES to approve the batch. After you approve the batch, you can no longer edit or delete the batch.
After the batch has been approved, you can see the batch code, description, status, distributor, number of products in the batch, batch creation date, batch expiry date on the table.