FieldMaxPro Help Center

View Outlet Details

To see the details of an outlet, you can use the view button which will show you the single outlet view. The top of the outlet’s page shows an image of the outlet taken at the point of registeration by the field staff. If no image was taken when the outlet wasa registered, a default image will be used, and at the bottom of the image, you can see the outlet’s name, address, and exclusivity status (This indicates if the outlets sells only your company's products or not).

Below that, you can see the number of visits that have been done at that outlet since it was registered, the number of sales, the number of your company’s products recorded as available at the outlet and the number of merchandise materials (branded POS materials) given to that outlet since inception. You can also see the Outlet Detail section which contains details of the outlet, like the outlet’s classification, distributor's name, credit limit assigned and so on.

Below that section are some tabs that contain activities that have been carried out in the outlet. You can switch through the tabs to see activities like:
The Outlet Contacts tab shows all contacts that have been registered. You can see an image of the contact (if available) or an avatar as well as contact's details.
The Visits tab shows the records of all visits that have been carried out at the outlet with their dates and the option to view the visit details.
The Sales History tab shows details of all sales recorded at the outlet. The Images Tab shows all images taken at the outlet.
The Notes tab shows all notes (feedback) recorded at the outlet.
The Product Availability tab shows the record of all retail audit checks(shelf and store checks) indicating if your company’s products are available, the quantities, facing (share of shelf) and the retails price (the price the outlet is selling to their customers).
The Merchandise Items tab shows the records of all Merchandise(company branded) items that have been given to the outlet.