FieldMaxPro Help Center

Schedule Visits

At the top of the right of the calendar page, there are buttons to schedule visits, upload schedules, and download schedules. To schedule a visit for one rep, click on the schedule visit button. You will get a pop-up where you can select the field staff you want to schedule a visit for, select an outlet from the field staff’s list of outlets (or outlets in the field staff’s location if your outlets are linked to locations, and not field staff) and select the date and time you want the visit to take place. When all fields have been filled, you can click on the "Add Schedule" button. This will create a customer visit schedule which will appear on the FieldMaxPro app of the field staff.

When creating more than one visit schedule, you can use the Upload Schedule button. You can download the sample csv file to your desktop and fill in the details (field rep username, outlet name, date, and time). After saving the changes made to the file, click the choose file button and select the file from your desktop. Then click on Upload schedules. The schedules will appear on the FieldMaxPro app for the rep or reps you created them for.

Upload Schedules