FieldMaxPro Help Center

Outlet Navigation

Searching for outlets on your app

  1. Tap the search bar at the top of the screen
  2. Then type in the 'name of the Outlet' you want to view.

Viewing outlet details on your app

  1. Tap an outlet in the outlets list.
  2. This would take you to a page that displays the outlet's details which consist of:
    • The outlet manager's name.
    • Phone number.
    • Outlet category & classification
    • The address of the outlet.
  3. There is also a map view that shows the precise location of the outlet selected. At the top of the page, you can also see the icon to add more contacts and the icon to see sales history.

Updating outlet details on your app

  1. Tap the Edit Button (the pencil icon) at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. You will be asked to confirm the geo-location of the outlet, ensure you are at the correct location.
  3. An editable form containing all the outlet information will be displayed, Edit the appropriate fields.
  4. Tap the tick icon at the top right of the screen to save edited fields.
    • The outlet will then be updated.
    • Note: editing an outlet will also edit the geo-coordinates of the outlet, therefore always be at the outlet's location to edit the outlet

Review outlet sales log on your app

  1. Tap the bar chart icon at the top right of the screen.
  2. Here you can see a list of past sales carried out on the outlet and the option to add more contacts under this outlet.