FieldMaxPro Help Center

Settings Navigation

Viewing your profile information

To view your profile information

  1. Tap settings from the navigation bar, you will be directed to a new page.
  2. Tap “profile”, here your profile name, ID number, email address and primary address is displayed.
  3. To exit this page, tap the left arrow at the top left of the screen.
    • Note: You can edit your primary address by tapping the pencil icon.


Synchronization is the connection of data from your device to the server, the sync frequency for the app is set to 15 minutes, however manual synchronization is permitted and is done as follows.

Sync all data on your app

To sync all data on your app

  1. Tap settings from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap “synchronization”, after this, you will be directed to a new page.
  3. Tap “Sync All”, this will sync all data including outlets.
  4. To exit this page, tap the left arrow at the top left of the screen.
    • Note: A green cloud icon would appear beside the “sync all” option, this is to notify you that the data has synced correctly.

Sync setup data on your app

In a case where changes are being made by your manager or by yourself either from the backend or from your mobile app, you sync your set up data in order to have identical data between your device and the server. To do this

  1. Tap settings from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap “synchronization”, after this, you will be directed to a new page.
  3. Tap “Sync Set-up Data”
  4. To exit this page, tap the left arrow at the top left of the screen.
    • Note: A green cloud icon would appear beside the “sync all” option, this is to notify you that the data has synced correctly.


In this tab, you can make changes to your log in details.

Changing Your login password

  1. Tap settings from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap “security”, you will be taken to another page.
  3. Tap “change passcode”.
  4. Enter your current password
  5. Enter your new password
  6. Confirm your new password.
  7. Tap the tick icon at the top right of the screen to save and exit the page.

Incase you forgot your password, while signed in on your app.

  1. Tap settings from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap “security”, you will be taken to another page.
  3. Tap “forgot password”.
  4. Enter your email address and tap the tick icon at the top right of the screen. A confirmation email would be sent to you with further instructions..
  5. Tap the left arrow icon at the top left of the screen to exit.


This tab displayed information about the app, such as the current app version. To view this

  1. Tap settings from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap “About”.
  3. Tap the left arrow icon at the top left of the screen to exit.

Logging out of your app

This tab displayed information about the app, such as the current app version. To view this

  1. Tap settings from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap “Logout”, the app would check for unsynced data and prompt a message to confirm logout.
  3. Tap “proceed” log out of the app, to cancel logout, tap “cancel”